Save the Planet

by 12:56 AM 0 comments

22nd April, every year, is celebrated as Earth Day. On this day events worldwide are held to demonstrate support for environmental protection. It is officially the first day of spring. The heat is worse than the summers though. Global Warming I guess.

We are the only ones who can save the Earth, because it's the only place we've got.

We have to do whatever we can to keep earth clean and green. Take small steps - stop littering for example or buy appliances which do not emit CFCs, switch off lights if not required. 

I wanted everyone to be aware of this day. We should work to save the planet not just today, but everyday.

And don't forget to love Earth! Happy Earth Day!
Happy nails to you!


Nail Art Enthusiast

Visualizer - Dancer - Cat Lover. Nail Art fascinates me. Now it is a big part of my life. Not a licenced Nail Technician. But a licenced dreamer!


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